About The Boats
35′ Contender Side Console
The perfect charter boat. This is the flagship of our fleet, combining big boat features with a small boat price. Say goodbye to hiding from the sun and getting sprayed by the seas in an open boat.

The 35 Contender side console rides like a dream and gets you there fast and comfortably. There is shaded cushioned seating for everyone.
You also won’t have to worry about loud and noxious diesel fumes making you sick thanks to the brand new Suzuki four-stroke outboards that you will neither hear nor smell.
The cockpit is larger than any center console you’ll find, having plenty of room for serious fishing with a large live well packed with frisky baits. Enjoy four freshwater stations for washing your hands, face, and sunglasses. In the cabin you’ll find a comfy bunk for a nap and a clean private bathroom.